Running Crazy

Running Crazy

Monday, February 17, 2014

Marathon on a whim and more race discounts?!?!

My first marathon was on March 17, 2013.  Since then, I ran two more marathons (one of them being part of the 48.6 mile Dopey Challenge). After completing my last marathon as part of the Dopey Challenge I've been kind of taking it "easy" and just running (mostly speed workouts) and focusing on strength training, yoga, and mixing more cycling into my routine.  It's been going great, but every day I have this nagging in the back of my mind telling me that I need to do a fourth marathon before March 17th.

There are two marathons within a couple hours of here, both the weekend of March 15th that I have been fighting with myself about.  One is the Rock N' Roll USA Marathon in DC and the other is the Shamrock Marathon in Virginia Beach.  I thought I had finally decided that even though I really wanted to, I wasn't going to run either one because I am in saving mode for our big trip to Europe in May.  Then, the amazing crew over at the Rock N' Roll races dropped this little nugget in my inbox this morning:

Now, since the price for the full marathon is currently sitting at $145, this is a pretty awesome deal.  And, as always, I was suckered.  I registered this afternoon for a marathon that is only a month away.  Time to get in a few long training runs! And, more importantly, time to plan an awesome dinner the night before with my amazing friends since this race is so close to home.

Join me in DC for the Rock N' Roll USA half or full!  Visit to register now before the price goes back up!  I have run several of the Rock N' Roll races and they do a great job organizing the events and the tech shirts and medals have been fantastic every time.  Plus, how could you not want to run a race course that takes you past a bunch of DC monuments??

Hope to see you there!  Be sure to give me a high five if you pass me!

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