Running Crazy

Running Crazy

Monday, August 3, 2015

Don't call it a comeback

Okay...maybe you can call it a comeback. I'm not proud to say it's been far too long since my last post. Much like everyone else, my life just got a little too busy and there were some priorities that needed to be shifted around; unfortunately "Run the World with Amy" went straight to the bottom of that list.  But, I'm back! And, while I haven't been here, I have been continuing to train for races, plan trips, and (as always) visit my doctors more often that I want to.

So, what's been keeping me busy? The usual; work, more work, training, being sick, and of course more work. My job has kept me incredibly busy for quite some time now and since that is what pays the bills (and more importantly for all my travel!)  it comes first. This hasn't left much time for anything else and by the time I fit in my training schedule there is negative time left in each day. But now, as things start to level off and a BIG trip and bucket list item is just around the corner, it's time to return to the other areas of my life that give me great pleasure. What's the big trip/bucket list item? You'll find out soon enough. ;-)

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